Block Island Film Festival
The 2025 Block Island Film Festival is dedicated to the victims of the California wildfires. Our thoughts are with the victims, the firefighters and public safety officials. This year’s event will be held from May 28 - 30 at the Block Island Maritime Institute and Champlin’s Marina & Resort in New Harbor on Block Island.
Filmmakers and screenwriters, please go to Film Freeway to submit:
The Block Island Film Festival features 5 categories for submissions: Narrative Feature Film, Narrative Short Film, Narrative Student Short Film, Short Documentary and Feature Screenplay.
We need your help, so please aid us in our endeavor to educate and bring art and culture to the local Block Island community, as well as our national audience, by donating. You can find the instructions on this website. Every donation helps us stay operational, ensuring that we provide quality, educational content and programming. *A portion of this year’s proceeds will be donated to the victims of the California wildfires.
We hope that you and your family join us on Block Island for the annual film festival.
Cassius (Cash) Shuman
Executive Director | Block Island Film Festival
The Block Island Film Festival boasts notable actors, directors, screenwriters, filmmakers, student filmmakers and entertainment professionals, on the beautiful resort destination known as Block Island, located 13 miles off the coast of Rhode Island. A consortium of global industry professionals gather to mingle with contemporaries, and the public, in intimate settings, such as film screenings, spotlight programs, tribute and award ceremonies, question and answer forums, and nightly social mixers.
The Block Island Film Festival is typically held in late May. The Great Salt Pond is within a short distance from venues during the film festival, which is a non-profit event designed to benefit the Block Island community.
This year’s film festival will operate all programming at the Block Island Maritime Institute and Champlin’s Marina & Resort in New Harbor, which is located at the edge of the Great Salt Pond. Tickets will be available at the door only. Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the beginning of each screening to purchase tickets. A full schedule of the festival’s programming is available at the Schedule tab.
Daily programming runs from sunrise to sunset at BIMI features “Coffee Time,” a question and answer forum conducted with industry professionals and filmmakers every morning.
The aim of the Block Island Film Festival is to showcase the island’s beauty and history amidst an event that will bring together a global consortium of film-making talent, who will network and share resources and information. Block Island boasts the most picturesque beaches in the world, a variety of hiking trails, water activities, a shopping district, rental housing and lodging, and an assortment of restaurants.
The Block Island Film Festival is excited to announced that it has partnered with the Barbados Independent Film Festival. Learn more about the formation of the partnership at: Read the press release and watch the video by Executive Director Jennifer Smith.
Our new highlighted sponsor is Champlin’s Marina & Resort. We look forward to building a relationship with Champlin’s that is aligned with our mission of bringing art, culture and quality filmmaking talent to Block Island.
Supporting sponsors: NAMI-Block Island, The Mary D Fund, Champlin’s Marina & Resort, Dead Eye Dick’s, Block Island Beach House and Ballard’s Inn
The Block Island Film Festival is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Executives & Officers:
Cassius Shuman — Founder & Executive Director
Nick Rapuano — Technical Advisor & Manager
Board members (alphabetically): Kristin Baumann, Kristin Carey, Kim Estes, Joe Houlihan & Henry LeBlanc