“Hollywood comes to Block Island”


We need your support!

The Block Island Film Festival is made possible through the generosity and support of its donors. Their generosity helps us operate the film festival annually in June and supports our mission of education, providing a forum for the environment and art and culture and facilitating charitable donations for the betterment of Block Island.

Please make your check payable to Block Island Film Festival and mail your tax deductible donation to:

Block Island Film Festival, P.O. Box 881, Block Island, RI 02807

For your tax purposes, our tax ID is: 83-2327207

Thank you for your support!

—The Block island Film Festival

(Note: Please direct inquiries regarding sponsorship or special donations to Cassius Shuman at cashallen@aol.com with ‘BIFF donation’ or “BIFF Sponsor” in the subject line.)